August 10, 2013

Back from BrickFair!

So, I'm back. And let me tell you, BrickFair was awesome! It was way better than expected, and there were some pretty awesome Mocs. Let me show you some of the amazing things that were there.

For the other Dr. Who fans out there.

I've never really mentioned, but I love space exploration.
 And they had an amazing model of the Shuttle Enterprise there.

There was also a guy who helped design parts for the Mars rover Curiosity. He build all of the Lego models from the real design plans/pictures that they actually used!

The SteamPunk was definitely impressive.

Overall it was great, and I'm definitely going next year.


  1. Overall - I'd call it amazing!! And as a huge Dr. Who fan - outstanding!!


  2. Did you see the Rivendell, next to the loony tunes and the battle of hoth? I made it, along with the dalek emperor.

    1. If you are looking at the battle of hoth on the right, and the loony toons on the left, was it between the two, left, or right? Because I don't remember seeing a Dalek.

    2. The dalek was the emperor dalek, so it did not look like a normal one. It had 3 "legs" and a dalek head.
      {llllllllllllllllllllllll} [ssssssssssssss ] \ hhhhhhh\
      [ssssss] (rrrrrrrrrrr ) \ hhhhhhh\

      {l}= loony tunes
      (r)= Rivendell and dalek
      /h/= Hoth
      [s] = some star wars creations, not mentioned before because I did not think you would remember them as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your next step is to go to San Diego Comic-Con!
